Occupational safety

The Working Environment Representative is your contact in case of problems connected with occupational safety or occupational health.

The Working Environment Representative is elected to the unit by all workers of the institute after every four years. The current representative performs his tasks until March 2024.

The Working Environment Representative:

  • consults workers in case of problems connected with occupational safety or occupational health
  • conducts occupational safety and occupational environment trainings, incl. to new workers
  • looks after that the first aid boxes are equipped with necessary supplies
  • compiles the risk analysis and takes care that it is updated

Laboratory safety guidelines (May 2021)
Töökeskkonna riskianalüüs (The risk analysis of the working environment, in Estonian)
Töökeskkonna bioloogiliste ohutegurite (SARS-CoV-2) riskianalüüs (The risk analysis of the biological threats in the working environment, in Estonian)
Esmaabi juhend (First aid guide, in Estonian)
Tulekahju korral tegutsemise plaan Riia 23 (Plan for action in case of fire in Riia 23 building, in Estonian)
Tulekahju korral tegutsemise plaan Riia 23b (Plan for action in case of fire in Riia 23b building, in Estonian)

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